Glam & Fit: 2014 Fitness Goals & Aspirations

It’s a new year which means you’ve probably made some new and old resolutions for the year. Well if your fitness plans happen to be on your list, you’re in the right place!

Keeping motivated

We live each day striving to be more that what we currently are and sometimes that leads to dissatisfaction, pain, heartache or any other bad or sad word you can associate with it. It’s easy to see someone else where you want to be or get impatient because things aren’t moving at a quick enough … Continue Reading

Vision boards toward your future

We recently asked you to find out what drives and motivates you. Well, we hope you were able to pinpoint what it is and have started setting up goals and laying out plans. If you don’t quite know what steps to take then this post will be beneficial and hopefully get you on the way … Continue Reading

What drives you?

Everyone should have something or be doing something with their life that will motivate or drive them.  Going through life without short and long term goals does not aid in your development since you have nothing to look forward to.  Think about your talents or the hobbies you like and come up with ways to … Continue Reading