It’s a new year which means you’ve probably made some new and old resolutions for the year. Well if your fitness plans happen to be on your list, you’re in the right place!

Our Glam & Fit series is perfect for checking in weekly to help you stay on top of your goals. Now, I don’t want you to focus so much on your resolutions, hence the title, but more on your goals and aspirations. For some reason when we call our goals and aspirations resolutions, somewhere in our brain it becomes temporary, and many of us find ourselves off track and our resolutions long forgotten come spring.

fitness goals aspirations toning women exercises

Now goals, these are things we should be planning and jotting down anyway. We should all have a set of long and short term goals. Short term goals are things you see yourself accomplishing in a short amount of time, like in months or a year; while long term goals are things you want to accomplish over a long period of time. Your fitness goals should be just that, goals. You know what you want your overall outcome to be and getting there is just you setting and accomplishing short term goals.

I’ve kind of followed this model over the last three years, especially in terms of my fitness goals and aspirations. In 2012 I wanted to add more running into my fitness routine so I joined a local Black Girls Run group and completed Couch to 5k. Last year I wanted to focus on weight loss and one of my goals/aspirations was to complete a 5K. As you’ll remember a lot of last year’s G&F posts focused on cardio and a little bit of my fitness journey. I tried a lot of new types of exercises, focused on working out at home, incorporated more walking (not so much running) into my routine and completed my first 5K, which happened to be one I could do with my dog.

With that being said, I wanted to share this year’s fitness goals and aspirations! This year I want to focus more on toning. I have been doing a lot of research on body types, how various exercises effect different races and observed my eating habits. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 15 years and I currently eat a mostly fresh food diet (75/25). Since I became a vegetarian at a very young age I have consumed a lot of soy in my lifetime. I spent a lot of time researching the effects of soy on a person’s body and drastically cut it down in my diet. Soy is now about 2% of my diet. I’ve said this in a previous G&F post, but your diet is a major factor when it comes to the stomach area, as is toning. As women we sometimes get scared about incorporating weights because we don’t want to bulk up. I’m not completely cutting cardio out this year, but it will play a smaller role in my overall exercise routine.

Along with toning I plan to bike, bike, bike (this shirt will totally be appropriate this summer)! Living in Chicago biking is pretty much a spring/summer/maybe fall type of thing. I haven’t been on a bike in years… like since middle school. Living in the city biking is convenient and it’s a great alternative to riding public transportation. I’m still researching what type of bike to get. Since I live in the city and bike thefts, particularly wheels, are high I want to get something functional, not too expensive but still fits my style and needs.

My third fitness goal for this year is to complete at least two 5ks. I had a blast at the Petco Walk/Run and will definitely participate in that one again, but I do want to do either a color run or a women focused run. Along with a continued healthy diet and active lifestyle, that pretty much covers my fitness goals for this year!

What are some of your fitness goals and aspirations for 2014? Let me know below and let’s keep each other accountable!

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