Some of my favorite Freeform shows wrapped for spring and I’ve got some high level thoughts about what just happened. From the Pretty Little Liars spinoff to the tried and true Cloak & Dagger – these young adults had some crazy ish going on.


I gave Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists a shot and I have to say there is not gaurantee that I’ll definitely watch the second season should there be one. While I like the characters for the most part this show felt like more of the same. Definitely seen some of this before and not sure I want to go on a multi-season journey full of repeat offenders.


The Bold Type is still in my top two as far as Freeform faves. I’m still here for all of the female positive power happening. I am a little over Kat and her relationship drama but I’m so here for seeing what happens with Jane and Sloane. I most want to know what’s going on with that clear out at the Scarlett offices.


Cloak & Dagger is only in it’s sophomore season, but boy did they come in swinging hard. This was tonally a heavy season and one that sticks with you for weeks after. Ty and Tandy dive into the murky world of human trafficking and fight their way out onto the other side. It leads them to a bus heading out of town and possibly to where are Runaways are.

Listen Now – Marvel’s Runaways (Season 2)

I have to admit; this got me pumped for a possible season 3 and the next season of Runaways. I do have to point out that this is all speculation on my part and none of this has been confirmed.

What did you think of these shows? Let me know below and on Instagram and Twitter!

PLL: The Perfectionists – 2:50
The Bold Type – 12:00
Cloak & Dagger – 23:35

As always, expect spoilers! Be sure to follow on Twitter & Instagram.

Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.