Marvel's Runaways Season 2

I’ve been pretty excited to for season 2 of Marvel’s Runaways, mostly because our kids were going to actually be runaways. After a slow build, this season ramped up pretty quickly and to an all out war that even I couldn’t believe. It was the runaways versus Pride and everyone versus Jonah. This made for some interesting story arcs and characters along the way.


Alex straight out the gate kind of separated himself from the pack trying to get close to Darius and his new love interest Livvie. I mean, I get, at the end of the day they’re all kids and not fully equipped to handle some of the challenges they faced throughout the series.

For instance, lets talk about Chase. We see him kind of struggling with completely cutting off his parents, especially after he sees his father in that contraption. So, I wasn’t really surprised when he made the decision to go. I think of all of the kids his departure was bound to happen. After leaving I would think he would pick up on some of the signs that things were not quite right and try to get back to the team.

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Of course this doesn’t happen and leads to a whole host of other things. We can quickly talk about how frustrating both Gert and Molly were this season. Granted, Molly is the youngest but the biggest issue was when she blindly believed Topher was related her. I seriously could not. Then Gert had her anxiety issues, which I get, but I feel like it could’ve been handled a different way.

Karolina and Nico fared better this season and had great story arcs. Overall, I did enjoy this season and I’m excited to see where we go in a possible third season since we haven’t officially been renewed yet.


What do I want from a season 3 of Marvel’s Runaways? More team action. I feel like we spent so much of the first half split in some way and we didn’t really see them team up until the middle. Honestly, I love when they’re all together as a team and fighting as one. Once Alex was back and he was in his element and they all were working as one it just flowed seamlessly. With that being said, season three should refocus on the core of the show and that’s the kids.

What did you think about this season of Marvel’s Runaways? What do you want to see in season three? Sound off in the comments or let me know on Instagram or Twitter!

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Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.