So we’re almost through January and I wanted to update you all on my toning journey so far. Of course I’m not biking yet since we’re in the middle of winter and we keep getting hit with snow, but I have been get some exercising in. This is going to sound like a bunch of excuses but I am in the middle of moving and my whole living environment is cluttered at the moment.

I was able to workout around it the first couple of weeks, but know it’s a little bit impossible to do a lot of floor exercises.kettlebell exercise women fitness I should hopefully, fingers crossed, be back to an organized environment within the week but I am still squeezing in small workouts. While in the processing of moving I’ve been thinking about incorporating kettlebell exercises into my routine. I’ve personally never used one, but I’ve skipped over quite a few videos specifically implementing them while browsing workout videos on YouTube.

I started shopping around online for one or two of them when I kind of hit a roadblock. Exactly how many kettlebells did I need and what weight should I start with? I have normal hand weights and I usually use two of them… because I have two hands. As I was shopping around for a kettlebell… or two… I noticed that they weren’t really that cheap and it got me to wondering if I even really needed two of them. Then I started to wonder if I should buy two but in two different sizes, like a 10lb and 15lb. Clearly I have no idea what I’m doing, so I turned to trusty old YouTube for some answers… because it’s free and I can do it from the comfort of my home. 🙂

As always, YouTube rarely lets me down. From some of the videos I watched I learned that beginners should typically start with a 10-12 pound kettlebell and you really only need one; although some exercises utilize two. Check out a few videos below that will show you how to correctly pick up a kettlebell, some step-by-step basic moves and even a full 30 minute workout!

Step by step correct kettlebell formation and moves from Tone It Up!

Kettlebell how-to with Popsugar Fitness!

Great 30 minute kettlebell workout for beginners from Fitness Blender!

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