SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

So the villain in this episode was creeeeppppyyyyy and title very befitting. It opens where we left off last week with Arrow (Oliver) surrounded by cops in Laurel’s office. He breaks free with a little help from an unidentified leather masked girl (Canary) with a glass shattering sound device (hence the name). Once free he goes to Roy (Red Arrow) for help to get more info on who this girl is so he can potentially put a stop to her vigilante ways.

television, arrow, stephen amell, katie cassidy, recap

Meanwhile, a women is found dead, preserved and dress as a doll by police and Officer Lance finds out a sadistic killer who he put away years ago, Barton Mathis, has escaped and is back to his old games of killing women and preserving their bodies, similar to porcelain dolls. At the same time he finds out he’s been banned from working on the case so enlists the help of Arrow. After a second woman is killed, they use Felicity as a decoy to bring Mathis out in the open after they find out he targets women who buy a specific skin cream.

Mathis grabs her but Officer Lance and Arrow are able to stop her, but he gets away (barely). Officer Lance is arrested for obstruction of justice and Laurel gets him out. They have a father/daughter heart to heart and he pretty much tells her that she’s letting her guilt of Tommy’s death misguide her judgement of Arrow. Of course she doesn’t listen and is upset that her father is even working with him.

Read the recap of Arrow episode 202 ‘Identity’

Officer Lance is then abducted from the parking garage of the police station (how does that even happen…) by Mathis and is thrown into the back of a van where he finds Laurel has been abducted as well.

On the other side of town, Roy has tracked down a woman connected to Canary and tries to get information from her. A chase ensues and leads to an abandoned building where he’s knocked over the head. He wakes up to find both the lady he was chasing and Canary who demands to know if “they” sent him. Of course he, or anyone else for that matter, knows who “they” is. She goes to smack him in the face again when his phone goes off. Canary reads the text message then takes off. The message was from Thea looking for him because it was all over the news about Laurel and her father being abducted.

Felicity, Diggle and Arrow are able to track where Mathis may have taken them by security footage and a business name on the side of the van he drove. Arrow heads there and knocks the freezing solution off of the tube system that’s connected to Laurel’s mouth. Mind you, if the stuff hit her throat it would’ve froze her insides (killed her) immediately. Mathis takes off and Officer Lance tells Arrow to catch him and do whatever he needed to do (meaning kill if need be). Mathis runs out and is attacked by Canary. He pulls a chain that causes big pipes to fall on her. When he goes to “check out her skin” (so creepy) Arrow shoots him with two arrows. He tells him he’s going back to jail but Canary says he’s not and kills him.

This whole ordeal causes Laurel to realize she was blaming herself for Tommy’s death and she kind of goes into a subconscious coma (if that exists) slash has a mental breakdown from exhaustion. The episode ends with an unidentified guy approaching Canary and telling her she’s been ordered to return (whatever that means). She tells him to tell them she got away, but he refuses so she kills him. Oliver and company plan to find her and figure out who she is and what team she’s actually playing for.

Some takeaways…

– I love that their still flashing back to Oliver’s time on the island. We get a chance to see more of how he became what he is today and as that storyline progresses it’ll definitely be included in the main summary.

– I’m glad that Laurel is off her vendetta against Arrow (hopefully) and if she goes back to helping him it will be interesting to see how that all plays out since she now works for and with the DA and alderman Sebastian Blood.

– I’m also excited to see more people becoming a part of the “A” team as I’ll call Oliver and crew for now. Loved seeing Officer Lance cross over and of course you know how I feel about Roy helping as well.

It’s really shaping up to be a great season so far and I can’t wait for next week’s episode!

What’d you think of last night’s episode? I you excited about Officer Lance converting? Are you here for Canary and her antics? Chime in below!

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Photo: CWtv.com

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