In recent news, high blood pressure is on the rise in young adults. We believe in order to be glam on the outside you have to start from within, and that can mean making some critical lifestyle changes. Relaxation is an important part of every day life and helps you lead a balanced and stress free life, which can aid in adding years to your life.

Gone are the days when heart related issues, cancer and other health issues are mainly relegated to older people. It’s been reported from a new study that about 20 percent of young adults have high blood pressure.

We live in a society where we want everything quick or we try to take on numerous tasks at a time, without taking a little time at some point throughout the day just for ourselves. We constantly hear that we should get at least 8 hours of sleep per day; and even that number is decreasing. Starting the day after a good night of sleep is probably the easiest way to begin adding relaxation into your life; whereas insufficient sleep can often times be the catalyst for a stress filled day.

Stress has a negative effect on our bodies and can lead to health related issues: high blood pressure, weight gain, cognitive, emotional and behavioral issues, as well as other unhealthy issues that take years off of your life.

We want you to love life and live it to the fullest! Check out our quick suggestions in the video below for adding relaxation to your daily routine!

Incorporating different relaxation methods into your lifestyle is only one step in many towards living a healthy life. Taking care of yourself includes healthy eating, exercise and similar lifestyle changes. Continue to check out inHer GLAM for more ways to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Do you have any relaxation tips or ways to stay stress free? Let us know below and on the Facebook page!

Sources: 1, 2, 3

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