Things got even more strange during this season of Stranger Things and I slit of it I was here for. It’s summertime in 1984 and young live is in the air but it’s not all gumdrops and roses. Things get weird quick and I discuss it all on this week’s episode!


I thought season two was good but with a lot of issues so there was some work that needed to be done coming into season three. There was definitely better handling of the female characters this time around. The mini group mysteries definitely worked better as each group we working unknowingly towards a common goal. 

The kids are also older and I believe their growth this season was handled well. We explored them exploring different relationships without it overpowering the true story of the season. Of course the biggest redemption this season was Billy. After a lackluster introduction in season two it was exciting seeing him put to work as this season’s big bad. 

Listen Now – The Society (Season 1)

Definitely so much to unpack about the season and a lot to discuss when looking at the future of the series. Overall I was pretty happy with how things played out. This definitely falls right behind season one as far as ranks go. 

What did you think of this season of Stranger Things? What does the future of the series look like? Let me know yours thoughts below or on Instagram and Twitter!

As always, expect spoilers! Be sure to follow on TwitterInstagram.

Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.