Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel hit theaters this past weekend shattering all kinds of records and I’m discussing all of my thoughts about the movie on this week’s episode. I even go a little off script and give a slight rant on the sensitivity of people on social media. You can check out the full episode above!

Listen Now – Wonder Woman

In general, I thoroughly enjoyed Captain Marvel. Now don’t get me wrong; there were some issues for me plot wise. I think we could’ve went a little bit further with the memory loss angle. This could’ve been used to to drive Vers or Carol Danvers into wanting to find out who she is. I never really felt like she wanted to know anything about her pass. So when she finally finds out who and what she is it doesn’t really hit as hard as I want it to.


Something that totally works for me is one, there is no love interest. That is the one thing that stood out to me immediately and I am 100% here for it. The other thing that worked was when she embraces her powers and we see the scene where Yon-Rogg tells her she’s only human. That montage of images of Carol at various ages getting back up after falling. Not going to lie, got a little misty eyed.

Listen Now – Batman v Superman

I think acting overall was good. I think Brie Larson worked with what she was given and I believed her as Captain Marvel. Our vets in this movie also gave solid performances so not much to complain about there. WE also got two end credit scenes, the first being a tie in to Avengers: End Game. Definitely got me even more pumped for next month and I didn’t think I could get anymore excited than I already am.


I guess that leaves me with my rating. Captain Marvel gets a solid B from me and I’m excited to see her adventures continue in Avengers: End Game and beyond.

As always, expect spoilers! Be sure to follow on Twitter & Instagram.

Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.