Travelers Season 3 Netflix show promo image featuring the cast

You guys we have to talk about that final sequence of Travelers. Just when we get some answers they leave us with even more questions. I mean, this is their M.O. but if there is to be a season 4 the fate of a lot of our faves is up in the air.

So many people died this season that I found myself asking if this was the final season multiple times. I had a feeling by the finale that we were going to have to do a bit of time travel to fix things because some of these deaths were insane!

Listen to Travelers (Season 2) podcast discussion


I loved that the focus seemed to be on our individual characters outside of MacLaren. Can I just gush about the bro-ness that is Trevor and Philip together? I need more scenes of them just broing out. I’m still trying to figure out a ship name for them — Philor, Trevip… Clearly this is not my forte so all suggestions are appreciated.

Also, can we talk about David’s death? Of all the deaths we got this season this one definitely hurt the most. I was for sure that someone was going to step in and save the day but nope. Then it was quickly followed by Marcy’s death and at that point I just didn’t have the emotional capacitiy for any more deaths. Don’t get me started on Grace… can she please be killed off next season? Kay, thanks, bye.

Overall it’s been one roller coaster ride of a season and I definitely want to see where we go from here. Netflix if you’re reading this please renew this show. A total reset could be a postitive or negative because there are so many ways we can go. Plus with the setup we got, we might not see some of our faves for good when we return.

What were your favorite moments from this season of Travelers? What are you expecting to see in season 4? Sound off in the comments!

As always, expect spoilers! Be sure to follow on Twitter & Instagram.

Currently Binging is a biweekly podcast hosted by Eva London. Each episode she discusses her thoughts on the many television shows and movies she’s currently watching. Whether it’s an episode about a show she’s recently binged or the latest installment in one of her favorite movie franchises; expect to hear her honest, witty and sometimes insightful opinion.