SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

Darhk and his secret organization are not up for anymore games and they’re taking every shot they can against Oliver. It’s a race against time as Team Arrow face off against a new team. Here’s the recap!

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The Flashback

The workers and Reiter’s men turn on Oliver but Taiana stands up for him telling them that he was framed. Oliver tells them that all he wants to do is get them out of there and defeat Reiter but they tell him to prove it by killing Conklin. Reiter calls Oliver in to talk to him about the map and etched stone when they’re interrupted by Conklin telling Reiter he’s needed elsewhere. Reiter tells Conklin to stay and watch Oliver but he escapes from his cuffs and he and Conklin face off. Oliver gets the upper hand stabbing him in the chest with a knife killing him. Before he dies he tells him that Reiter is going to kill all of the people regardless. Oliver tells Reiter it was self defense but he tells Oliver that he’s still alive because he needs him.

A Darhk(er) Plan

Oliver is preparing for his debate against Ruve Adams who he “officially” meets while they throw shots at each other. The team tracks her as she’s leaving to see if she meets up with Darhk. They track her an abandoned parking lot where Ruve appears to deliver a message from Darhk which includes an ambush. The team takes down the ghosts but Ruve escapes.

Darhk and Ruve meet with the organization, including Merlyn, behind taking down Star City. The organization is skeptical because the phase 5 rests on Ruve’s shoulders. They also bring up their concerns with Quentin but he tells them that that lose end will be tied. Laurel is concerned about Quentin since she’s pretty sure that Darhk knows he was working with the Green Arrow. She decides to tag along with him on a run then to meet Donna. She stays in the car while he goes into the building to check it out even though she’s suspicious as to why he was called to the scene. Explosions start going off as Laurel runs him to help him escape and they barely escape before the building falls down.

Donna is having too much fun planning Oliver and Felicity’s engagement party when Thea pulls Oliver aside to tell him that the opposition found records on a million dollar check written to Samantha Clayton. She asks him if it’s something they should be concerned with but he lies and tells her it shouldn’t blow back on him.

Back at the lair Diggle tends to Quentin’s wounds but he wants to leave to meet Donna. They convince him to sit tight while they disperse to The next day Quentin tries to tell Donna that they need to lay low for a few weeks but she calls him out on his BS and tells him that they’re done for good. Felicity sees her leave upset and confronts Quentin who tells her he had to put space between them. Felicity pulls him and Oliver to the lair and tells them that the call came for a specific location and Oliver has the team go and investigate it.

The team comes face to face with a group of what look like hackers who put on a vicious attack. They set the building to collapse and escape while Team Arrow tries to get out before the building goes down. Thea splits up with them to grab the laptop and barely escapes as the building flattens. Back at the lair they find out that they just faced off with the Demolition Team. Felicity works on the laptop while Diggle checks with Andy to get more information from him.

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Demolition Man

Donna calls Felicity and confides in her about Quentin and why she’s been so enthusiastic about the engagement plans. She tells her that she’s been living vicariously through her and she and Oliver don’t hide anything from each other. Felicity tells her that she can have the same thing with Quentin but she needs to have a little more trust.

Thea and Oliver are finishing up going through records when she asks him why he never told her that he went to school with Samantha Clayton. Oliver tells her that he was with her while he was with Laurel and he tries to lie again but Thea tells him that she looked her up and knows she has a son. She asks him if William is his son and he tells her he is but he couldn’t tell anyone because that was the agreement he made with Samantha. He tells her that he’s lying to Felicity but Thea doesn’t see it that way. She tells him that he’s doing the right thing for his son because keeping him a secret keeps him safe.

Diggle calls with a possible location on the Demolition Team. When he and Diggle get there they’re too late and a shit ton of acid is missing as well. Oliver heads to the debate where Felicity gets a call from Curtis who texts over the plans for the next place the Demolition Team plans to demo. She alerts Oliver and tells him that the next building going down is the one they’re currently in.

They pull the fire alarm and split up to find the spots where the bombs are placed. They locate the bombs and work to disarm them but there are booby traps. They find themselves face to face with members of the Demolition Team who they end up defeating right before disarming all of the bombs (with a little help from Quentin).

At Oliver and Felicity’s engagement party Quentin pulls Donna aside and tells her the truth about H.I.V.E. She forgives him and they make up. Curtis and his fiance show up and he gives Felicity his wedding gift. The gift is an implantable bio stimulant powered by the Powercell that should aid in Felicity walking by the time of the wedding.

We close with Darhk introducing his daughter to William, Oliver’s son, who he tells her will be staying with them for awhile.

Some takeaways…

  • What I want to know is how Darhk was able to get William away from Samantha. I feel like he really has her locked up somewhere.
  • Not going to lie, I feel some type of way about including kids in adult wars. I guess that’s why Darhk is pretty freaking dark. Hopefully Oliver is able to get him away from Darhk.

Is William fair game in the war between Oliver and Dark? Let me know below and on Twitter!

Photos: The CW

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