SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

I feel like this was the episode where everyone was pretty much like “not today you won’t”. There were lots of plans, fewer people to trust and a forced wedding. It’s all in the recap below!

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The Flashback

People are lying dead in the streets and Oliver, Maseo and Tatsu are trying to get their son some help but his condition is worsening. They try to give him some medicine but nothing is working. Maseo is pissed and wants to kill Shrieve and Oliver tells him he’ll help him. They fight their way inside and demand the cure from Shrieve. Maseo isn’t playing and shoots Shrieve in the arm for the cure. Oliver yanks him up and tells him he’s coming with them to help administer the cure. When they return to his son he’s already dead. Shrieve tells them there is no cure and thanks them for bringing him there so they wouldn’t have to waste weeks tracking them down.

A well laid plan (sort of)

In Starling City, Diggle and Laurel are tag team beating people’s ass all up and down the streets of the city. Diggle gets a little into it overly punches one of the guy’s and Felicity confronts him about it since she believes he’s taking his anger about Oliver out on the city. Diggle and Laurel believe she should be more upset than she is. Thea is preparing to go after Roy and Malcolm warns her about blowing Roy’s cover. He tells her that getting out of the city for a little bit may be good for her.

Over in Nanda Parbat, Ra’s tells Oliver that he will marry Nyssa and he will get on a plane and take the Alpha Omega to Starling City. At dinner Ra’s delivers the news to Oliver and Nyssa that after they’re married he expects her to carry Oliver’s child to extend his lineage. Oliver tells them that he needs to go on a walk to clear his mind. On the walk we find out that he hasn’t completely lost his marbles and he and Malcolm are working together. He tells him Ra’s plans for Starling and Oliver is freaking out because he believes they don’t have enough time and they need help. Malcolm tells him that his word wouldn’t bode well with his team and he tells him that he knows someone they will trust.

Maseo shows up and finds Oliver alone and they talk about how the virus ended up at Nanda Parbat. He tells him that he used it as a trade to get into the League. Oliver tells him that when he’s Ra’s he can set him free but he tells him his prison is one he can’t escape.

Ray is back and let Felicity know that he has her back no mater what because they’ll always be friends. He asks her to sign papers which would transfer ownership of his company to her unbeknownst to Felicity. She, Diggle and Laurel get a text from Malcolm summoning them and they show up to news that Oliver’s ties with the League is a charade. Of course they get upset that Oliver only shared his plans with Malcolm and try to leave until he introduces them to Tatsu who tells them that their city is in great danger.

Tatsu tells them about how her son was killed by the virus that Ra’s plans to unleash on the city. They’re still resistant but Malcolm tells them not today, not while his daughter is still living in the city and gives them the plans to meet him in Nanda Parbat. They look online at the footage from the attack on Hong Kong and Diggle and Laurel tell Felicity that if what the video shows could happen to Starling they plan to show up for duty but she doesn’t want to go back to Nanda Parbat.

Tatsu pays Felicity a visit while she’s alone and tells her about how Oliver spoke about her doing his recovery but she tells her that Oliver belongs to Ra’s now and there is nothing of him left. Tatsu tells her about the mistakes she made with her husband and asks her not to make the same ones. Everyone shows up for takeoff and Felicity threatens to let the world know that Malcolm is alive if he betrays them.

Nyssa is still pissed about marrying Oliver and Ra’s tells her about how he felt about her mother and shows her the gift he gave her in honor of Nyssa. He tells her he’s saved it to give it to her when she married but Nyssa tells him that won’t change how she feels and he threatens to have her suffer a thousand deaths if she defies him (ouch).

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Who to trust, apparently no one

The crew lands in Nanda Parbat to disable the plane but they end up under attack. Felicity goes to hack into the plane’s system while the others fight off the League. Tatsu comes face to face with Sarob who tells her Maseo is long dead and it turns into  sword fight. Felicity’s tablet gets destroyed and in comes Atom, her back up, to help bring down the plane and he blows it up. Back over at the sword fight Sarob knocks Tatsu on the ground and tells her to tell their son he loves him but as he goes to kill her she jumps up and stabs him through the abdomen and tells him to tell him for both of them. As he’s dying he thanks her for releasing him from his prison.

As things seem to settle Ra’s and Oliver shows up and Ra’s tells them that the virus wasn’t on the plane he has it and Oliver tells them to surrender or die. Felicity starts freaking out but Oliver tells them that if any of them speak they will all die, him included. Ra’s asks how they knew about the virus and Tastu tells him that Sarob told them. He reveals there’s about to be a wedding and Oliver tells them that it’s his wedding to Nyssa before Ra’s has them taken away.

Thea goes to see Roy who’s living under the alias Jason. They go back to his house and he tells her that he just wants to live a normal life but without his night activities he’s been a little bored. Thea gives him his Arsenal suit and tells him that people don’t know that he’s Arsenal so if he wants to use the suit he can. After a night of romping she tells him about everything that’s been going on with her and Oliver and he tells her that this is something that she can’t run away from.

Over in lockup, Felicity is upset about Oliver marrying Nyssa and Diggle is still upset with Oliver that they’re even in this situation. As they’re talking Diggle is summoned by Oliver who talks to him privately but Diggle unleashes his pent up anger on him. Oliver tells him that he had to sacrifice their friendship but Diggle tells him he also lost his respect. They’re interrupted by one of the assassins who tells them that Ra’s wants Diggle returned to the cell.

Ra’s is done with playing games with Malcolm and is about to kill him but Malcolm starts shooting off at the mouth and tells him that the person who betrayed Ra’s was Oliver who’s been lying to him this entire time (Malcolm be throwing any and everybody under the bus). Ra’s summons Oliver and tells him what Malcolm has claimed but Oliver tells him he’s killed for him and he has nothing and no one to return home to. Ra’s tells him they’ll see about that. They return to the cell where Ra’s unleashes the virus on his friends and locks them in the cell. They then go to the ceremony where Nyssa and Oliver are bound together while his friends lay in the cell falling asleep (more on that below). Nyssa attempts to stab Oliver but he stops her dead in her tracks and tells them to continue with the ceremony.

Some takeaways…

– Pretty sure that wasn’t the virus seeing as they seemed to just be falling asleep and not bleeding from the mouth. Not quite sure what it is but I’m pretty sure the crew will be just fine.

– Speaking of the crew, since there’s no more Arrow (for the moment) I’m currently calling the team the crew just so I don’t have to say everyone’s name every time they’re all together.

– I knew that this wedding would for sure happen thanks to reading interviews but seeing as they weren’t legally married and Oliver hasn’t actually lost his marbles he should be able to easily get out of this union if he wants.

– Can we talk about how everyone was anti Oliver until Ra’s start talking about unleashing the virus on them and then they started begging and pleading. I don’t know why, but that was so funny to me.

– And finally, we get some crossover episodes next week with Oliver heading to The Flash and Barry heading to Arrow. I’m super excited because we haven’t seen these two cross between shows since the major two night The Flash and Arrow crossover event. It also looks like Oliver is finally going to stand up to Ra’s and possibly getting the crew back together… you know after a few punches from Diggle of course. I’m so ready for this finale because this has been a very interesting/frustrating/anxious/heart pounding/anger inducing season and it all has lead up to next week.

What do you think is going to happen in the finale? Let me know your thoughts and theories in the comments!

Images: The CW

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