SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

Welp, if you’re here that means you watched this episode and you might be on the fence with how you feel about it. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As usual, I’ve split things up into two: OPA and the White House. Check out the recap below!

scandal 420 kerry washington lady blues
The fate of Jake

Quinn enters OPA like any other day until she turns on the lights to find Jake’s dead, bloody body on the table. Huck enters and realizes the body is still warm so he hits him hard in the chest and Jake starts breathing. David and Olivia arrive and they spring into action to try to save Jake’s life. They take him to a hidden location with help from Charlie to await a doctor as Huck goes to check on Kim and Javi. The doctor arrives and tells them that Jake is going to need many surgeries but he won’t operate unless they help his friend Black Sabel who’s an assassin. Olivia reluctantly agrees.

Huck warns Liv that assassins are very dangerous and they arrive at the house to find Mary Peterson, a grandmother and homemaker. She tells them how she got involved and how she let everything go 27 years ago after she stopped receiving orders until the day before when someone left a drop kill for her and wants to find out who it was.

David is upset because he has to postpone their hearing and the doctor tells them that Jake needs blood so Quinn and Charlie steal it from the hospital while Huck tracks Mary’s handler. Meanwhile, Russell tells Rowan that Jake is dead but Rowan quickly bursts his bubble and tells him that if that was the case he would’ve heard from a very angry Olivia but he hasn’t because she’s gone underground. Russell Tells him that if he’s alive he’s hanging on by a thread and Rowan tells him to find him and kill him for good.

Russell calls Liv under the pretense that he wants to hook up to try to track her location but she hangs up before he can. Russell reports back that she didn’t bite and Rowan shoots him telling him that now maybe she’ll come up from underground. Olivia pays Mary’s handler a visit to get him to let her go throwing around threats but he’s not bothered by anything Liv is saying. She goes back to Mary to tell her that the handler can’t be bought. Mary tells her about how she prays for forgiveness for all of the blood on her hands and tells Liv that she can’t kill her target.

Olivia goes to see Russell in the hospital and think he’s been attacked by oone of Rowan’s men and sedate him. Olivia goes to Mary’s handler and makes a deal for him to kill command and let Mary free. Meanwhile, Jake is waking up from surgery just as Russell is waking up from being sedated and starts freaking the f- out but he can’t move or say anything because he’s strapped down and has a tube down his throat. Russell slits him in the side and blood starts squirting out as everyone runs in and he tells them that he just started freaking out. The doctor patches him back up and they discuss their plans to have Rowan killed as Russell just lies there listening on.

The next morning while Jake and presumably Russell (who’s not) are asleep Olivia talks to Jake and apologizes for everything and tells him that they never should’ve left the island and Jake starts to wake. He sees Russell and tries to tell Olivia about him but Russell tells her that he’s heavily sedated and probably doesn’t know who any of them are. Huck comes in and tells Liv that he can’t find Mary’s handler and she goes to Mary’s house to find her, her grandchildren and the handler dead. The burner phone is ringing and it’s Rowan telling her that he told her that against him she’ll never win.

Olivia goes back to the team and tells them that they’re done. The doctor is upset about Mary’s death and tells them that he’s no longer Jake’s doctor since his friend is dead. She tells David to call off the grand jury but David doesn’t want to. Huck is still in but Charlie taps out. She tells them that she’s calling her father to tell him that it’s over and if anyone says otherwise they will get all of them killed. Russell reports the news to Rowan and he tells him to focus on keeping an eye on Olivia. He’s in bed and thinks he’s about to get it on with Liv but she pulls out a gun and tells him that she knows it was him who told her father everything, she knows he’s B613 and she wants to know what Foxtail is.

Mellie goes on the campaign trail

Mellie’s campaign trail officially starts her campaign trail while Sally covers it with harsh opposition on her show. Sally creates enough doubt that the people believe she’s abandoning her current job, First Lady, and is too close to the president. Fitz asks Abby what they think she should do and she tells them that she needs to distance herself from Fitz and make the people see that she makes her own decisions. Abby calls David to find out if it’s legal for Mellie to run while married to the president and he insures her that it’s legal. She sets him up with an interview with a news reporter who asks him questions during a call in to the show.

Despite David out spreading legal points in support of Mellie, her ratings are still low in the polls. Abby suggests that they have a man stand up for Mellie against Sally and suggests they send in Cyrus. Cyrus is totally against this but Fitz tells him that he needs to get on board. He then asks if this is some kind of angle but Fitz tells him it’s not and he will get on board whether he likes it or not. On Sally’s show things hit up from the jump and they debate what type of oath Mellie took. Cyrus tells her that she only took a marriage oath not an oath of office but Sally thinks her marriage oath is her promise to her husband and her oath to support him. She calls Mellie being a mother a job and Cyrus comes right back and tells her that it’s not a job and even throws in that Sally quit her position as Vice President.

Pretty much everything Sally throws out Cyrus hits right back until Sally tells him that he seems bitter and she thinks he believes he would make a better senate candidate. Sally tells him that she believes he would make a better candidate and Cyrus tells her that Mellie is the best person for the job and throws out the “if this was a man” theories. Despite the interview, Mellie’s ratings are still sinking and it’s effecting Fitz ratings as well. Lizzie thinks the only way to save her campaign is to leak that their getting a divorce but Mellie is against this. Fitz calls Olivia to find out what she thinks since he believes Mellie won’t win but she tells him he should be worried about his own presidency. He tells her that he’s trying to be better and make up for his past sins and wants to help Mellie. Olivia tells him that they need to make it about Virginia and sell it that she’ll be close to the voters.

Mellie goes back out on the trail and focuses on Virginia. Cyrus thinks she’s killing herself in the nation but Fitz tells him it’s only about Virginia. Abby is happy about the turn of things and tries to celebrate with Cyrus but he tells her that all Fitz will be remembered for is his wife becoming Senator and that will be the end of his legacy.

Some takeaways…

– First of all, y’all know I’m an avid Jake supporter til the end but there is no way that he should still be alive after what happened to him. Apparently no vital organs were hit but seriously people… seriously. I knew deep down in my soul that he wasn’t dead because his “death” just seemed too easy and uneventful of a way for Jake to go out. I mean, look at how poor James left us.

– Thank goodness Olivia is not that dumb because I was questioning her intelligence this entire episode. They don’t know not a darn thing about Russell and they just kidnap him from the hospital and take him into hiding where they’re keeping someone who was brutally stabbed and left for dead. Then they use that time to discuss their plans to kill someone… seriously people? I’m glad Olivia figured it out even though it was too late for Mary.

– Not gone lie, I don’t really care that much about Mellie’s campaign story. I feel like at the end of the day if she’s going to win. That Cyrus versus Sally interview though – that was everything!

How do you feel about Jake still being alive? I want to know all of your thoughts, rants and predictions in the comments!

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