moving blogging san francisco oakland california

So I know you’re probably wondering what’s going on with today’s Glam & Fit post and this week’s podcast episode… Don’t fret, there’s a perfectly good explanation for that.

I’ve relocated to the West Coast, Oakland/SF/Bay Area to be exact and things are a little overwhelming at the moment– as with any big move. So what does that mean for the blog and you readers?

New posts will return next week, maybe even by the end of this week. There will be two back to back episodes of Glam DEETS to make up for this week since we have a pretty set schedule and rearranging that would make things a little wonky.

Also, this greatly effects live tweeting TV shows and posting times. I’m now on Pacific time which means that I’m now two hours behind. I still plan to try to post around the regular times, in relation to when things go live on the blog but the links will go out a little later than usual.

Hopefully this won’t change things too drastically, but I’m excited about this new chapter and can’t wait to share some new and exciting things with you! In the meantime, you can catch me on Twitter or Instagram. Blogging soon!

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