Stretching is an important part of your routine, especially when it comes to eliminating your risk for pain. Well, stretching is also a great way to start the day and add some much needed energy.

Stretching gets the blood flowing and circulating to the brain. Stretches that open up the chest helps you breath easier also giving you a sense of relief. These three quick stretches will add a much needed boost to your day. Check them out below!

Chest Opener

yoga stretching

In a seated position, bring your arms behind your back clasping your hands. With your arms straight, pull your shoulders back. For a deeper stretch, lift your chin towards the ceiling.

Cow/Cat Stretch

stretching yoga

On your hands and knees with your head in a neutral position, lift your head and chest sinking your belly towards the ground creating the cow position. Reverse, rounding and lifting your spine while lowering your head; this is the cat position.

Bridge Pose

stretching yoga

Lying on your back, place your feet flat on the floor and your arms by your side. Lift your hips up interlacing your hands and breath.

Images: Emily Yoga/All Things Healing

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