SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

And we’re back! Omg, I don’t think I can take anymore breaks for anymore shows, like ever. Now that I’m over my mini rant lets get into this episode.

arrow stephen amell recap

We start off with a bank robbery with two guys being directed through the heist by a man (Clock King) watching from surveillance cameras. After not listening to directions, a mini shootout starts but the culprits escape.

We see Oliver, Diggle and Sara working out with sticks, amazing scene, when Sara is accidentally hit. While discussing scars, Felicity tries to add in her wounds, but is only called “cute” by Sara… ouch. The Queens throw Sara a welcome back party that Laurel refuses to attend. At the party Quentin apologizes to Oliver about the way he treated him when he returned. They’re both were called away about Clock King’s first victim, one of his heist man who he killed with a clock hand because of his disobedience. Oliver tells them that what they stole was a device, Skeleton Key, that would help them break into any bank.

Quentin pays Laurel a visit to convince her to have a family dinner, while there he’s alerted of a bank robbery in progress. As he’s leaving, Laurel agrees to have the dinner at her place. Oliver and Sara show up at the heist but Clock King, who’s watching surveillance, changes the coordination of a train so that it will collide with a bus hoping to distract Oliver and force him to leave. Sara goes after the robbers (who barely escape) since Clock King didn’t know she was there, while Oliver saves the bus of people from colliding with the train.

Thea calls Oliver out about his behavior with their mother at the party but he insists that there is nothing going on and everything is fine. Thea reminds him that lies are what tore their family apart in the first place.

Using the blood left on the bar Sara threw at the Clock King’s head she determines that he has McGreggors disease. Felicity, feeling left out again, puts two and two together locating the rare individual with both the disease and a degree in scientific technology. Oliver and Sara go to the address and find the getaway truck, but it’s a trap allowing the Clock King to hack into the computer system at their lair.

While Oliver and Sara go to the Lance dinner, in which Sara pretty much forced Oliver to go to; back at the lair Diggle and Felicity talk about how Felicity has been feeling since Sara joined the team. She tells him that she’s not upset about her relationship with Oliver, more so that she can do everything and the one thing Felicity is supposed to be good at she’s failing.

At the most awkward dinner of the season in which the family is surprised to see Oliver at, we find out that Dinah has no plans of moving back to Starling City because of her job and she’s in a relationship to Quentin’s dismay. Laurel also picks up on the vibes between Sara and Oliver and goes off on everyone. Oliver follows her out and pretty much reads her for filth letting her know that he’s no longer taking the blame for her actions, chasing after her and caring.

Meanwhile, Felicity thinks it’s a good idea to go to the bank where they’ve set up a trap for the Clock King using Oliver’s money. The entire team shows up but the Clock King is a step ahead of them. As Oliver fights off the robbers, Diggle tries to turn off the gas while Felicity tracks down exactly where Clock King is. Diggle gets the gas off while Sara and Felicity go after Clock King. They reach him but he goes to shoot Sara and Felicity pushes her out of the way taking a bullet in the shoulder. She uses the same hack that Clock King used on the lair’s computers on his cell phone knocking him out pretty much saving the day.

After getting stitched up Oliver let’s Felicity know that she has nothing to worry about and that she will always be his “girl”. Laurel shows up at the Queen’s bar where Sara is the new bartender and Laurel reconciles with Sara letting her know that she’s the one who needed to be forgiven. Oliver is called to his home by Thea but when he gets there he sees it was just a setup by Thea to get Oliver and their mom talking. As he’s about to leave, Moira introduces him to an associate she’s meeting with who just happens to be Slade. Yup, ish just got real.

Some takeaways…

– In the flashbacks Sara, Oliver and Slade come across an injured airman who is barely alive. Before he dies he asks Sara to watch over his daughter. We later find out that his daughter is Sin who Sara was originally working with when she came back to Starling city.

– Where is Roy in all of this. I though he would be a permanent fixture on the Arrow team but he only made a couple of not so important appearances. Looking for an update about his powers and how he will fit in with everything.

– I am so glad that Laurel got her ish together. All she needed was a good reading from Oliver to get her self together.

– So Slade has officially made his presence in Starling City known and ish is about to get real. I honestly was prepared for this revelation and thought it wouldn’t be revealed until close to the end of the season. Either way, the next few episodes are going to be epic.

What did you think about last night’s episode? Are you exited about how things will pan out after Slade’s reveal? Chime in below!

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