HAPPY NEW YEAR! If you’re looking to boost up your fitness routine, or start a totally new one, a great way to start is with a good fitness challenge. As you’ve read on the site before, YouTube is a good resource for great quality and free at home workouts and I’ve definitely got some faves.

Around the new year they usually put out challenges that last for a certain amount of time and viewers have boasted some great results. Well this year I wanted to make sure you were up on some of the awesome challenges going on, ones you can possibly join.


If you follow Keaira LaShae’s videos you know she’s all about creating fitness videos that are phone and usually combine some form of dance. Well she’s currently doing a 30 day fitness challenge and uploaded a crop of new videos! And these aren’t short videos, they’re going to push your commitment level. Check out more info on the challenge below!

Tone It Up

If you aren’t familiar with Karena and Katrina then you’ll soon be. With a new reality show premiering on Bravo TV today (January 2) these ladies are taking fitness to a whole new level! They’re kicking the year off with their Love Your Body series for Valentine’s Day. Not only can you whip your body into shape in six weeks, but you can win some pretty cool prizes from Victoria’s Secret too. Check out the promo video below!

Let me know which challenge(s) you’ll be doing or what your fitness goals for this month are below!

As for me, I’ll be checking out both challenges and taking my fitness plans month by month. Can’t wait to see your results!

Like what you see? Then share with your friends and followers by hitting the ‘Like’ button above and using the social media links below!

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