SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

arrow, television, recap, stephen amell, katie cassidy, season 2, league of assasins, episode 5, black canary, david ramsey

So this episode was interesting. We got some answers but were still left with many questions. A member of the League of Assassins bursts throughout the window at the Queen household looking to kill Sarah (Canary) but both she and Oliver are able to hold him off. He escapes and back at Arrow headquarters she tells the crew how she was a part of the league and left. The only way you can leave it by death, so that explained why they were looking for her.

After Felicity and Diggle pinpoint where the guy may have come from Arrow and Canary pay him a visit where a they’re met with two more assassins and a fight scene ensues. Arrow and Canary barely get away, but not before the “lead” assassin warns that they will go after Sarah’s family. Oliver decides to make sure Laurel is safe and takes her out to dinner while Felicity is supposed to warn Officer Lance that he’s in danger.

Not taking Felicity’s bait, Sarah decides to reveal that she’s alive to her father. After an emotional reunion, Sarah vaguely explains where she’s been and why both he and Laurel are in danger. She takes him back to her lair, the clock tower, and are met by the assassins. She trips them up a little with traps she has set up around the place, but she gets caught with a blade at her throat. Of course, this is when Arrow bursts through to help save the day. Sarah kills two of the guys and lets one go telling him to give their leader a warning.

She then tells her father that she can’t return and he mustn’t tell Laurel or their mother that she’s alive. He reluctantly agrees and let’s her go. This leads Oliver to realize some of his faults and he finally decides to tell Diggle what happened to him on the island. And we end the same way we did last week, with Ollie coming face to face with Sarah on the ship. It’s getting pretty intense and I’m loving every bit of it!

Some takeaways…

– Laurel is working as second chair on the DA’s office and comes up with a plea deal for Oliver’s mom. She eventually rejects it once she realizes no matter what happens her children will always love her.

– We’re introduced to Dr. Ivo in a Sarah flashback who was a big character in the comics so I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing more of him.

– Laurel needs a therapist! I refuse to endure her train wreck for another episode. It did seem like she finally realizes she needs help when she talks to her father… we can only hope.

– Kudos to Officer Lance being all supportive of his murderer daughter, but it took him an entire season to even think of helping Arrow. But hey, at least he’s on (somewhat) Team Arrow…

– Why has no one figured out Oliver is Arrow, especially Officer Lance? With his daughter’s return that should’ve of been so obvious.

What did you think of last night’s episode? Do you sympathize with Sarah and Officer Lance (Quentin)? Are you over Laurel and her antics? Chime in below!

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