Revenge returned last night and the premiere episode kind of put some of the missing pieces from the finale back into place. It opened with the scene we’ve seen in previews; Emily on the boat talking to an unidentified person before being shot. We won’t know the deets on that until either the mid-season or actual season finale.

We start off two months prior to that (6 months after season two’s finale). Emily and Daniel are still together and Emily is in the midst of planing the annual Memorial Day summer kick off in the Hamptons. The Grayson’s are estranged and Emily is using this party to bring them back together… for her own revengey type of reasons of course.
revenge victoria grayson christa b allen

The Graysons are broke, thanks to Carrion, and Conrad is governor (who would’ve thought?) Charlotte returns with a new look after an overseas trip after losing her baby, and she’s as feisty as ever. Victoria has spent the last six months with her first born son Patrick who she gave up for adoption. He abruptly leaves after a not so nice confrontation with Charlotte; who seems to be a little bit more devious this season (I like!).

Nolan is let out of jail after the members of the ‘Initiative’ were exposed, thus ending that confusing/draining storyline (currently doing back flips). Jack returned only to pretty much rip Emily’s heart out by kissing her and saying he feels absolutely nothing for her now that he knows who she really is. He gives her an ultimatum, she must finish her revenge mission before the summer is over or he’ll expose who she really is.

Ashley reappears threatening to expose Emily’s true feelings for Jack if she doesn’t help connect her to someone with money; and this is where the episode semi focuses on. Emily convinces Victoria that Ashley is back and is out to destroy the Graysons by blackmailing Emily. At the party Nolan and Emily team up and give Conrad a bottle of water laced with an unidentified substance. He has some sort of heart attack/seizure/fainting spell. At the hospital the family is told he has Huntington’s disease. Someone (Emily) leaks this info to the press and he has to step down as governor.

Emily turns all of the blame on Ashley and both Victoria and Emily send her on her merry little way, banning her from the Hamptons (and ending her run on the show). We find out that Emily switched Conrad’s medical report and he really doesn’t have Huntington’s disease. She sets a date with Daniel for them to marry on August 8 in honor of her father (double eights, infinity) and plans to bring Victoria down for good.

But wait, it’s not over yet. Just before the credits role Aiden returns on Victoria’s balcony out for revenge against… Emily! And a new partnership is formed.

The biggest question this season will be, ‘Who shot Emily?’ There are a lot of potential players and I think we’re going to be in a for a bumpy and surprising ride trying to figure it out. I’m also getting the sense that this is the final season of Revenge… I’m not sure but that’s totally how the premiere felt.

I thought it was a solid premiere, a couple of slow spots filling in the missing pieces from season 2’s finale, but solid none the less. What I’m not here for is this Mangol, Marigold or whatever her name is, girl who seems to be infatuated with Daniel. From the previews it seems like she’s going to be up to no good this season. She needs to go. Other than that it’ll be fun trying to solve the #whoshotEmily mystery.

Join me on twitter every Sunday at 8p cst to chat all things Revenge and catch your weekly episode summary every Monday. Until next week!

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