Spring is here and that means outdoor workouts! Sometimes it can be a little hard transitioning from cold weather to warm weather working out. It’s sunnier longer, warmer outside and a host of new activities just seem to pop up on a daily basis.

This is why we’ve created some spring fitness motivation quick tips which will challenge your daily routine. For something to become a habit you have to do it a couple of times for it to stick. Check out our three quick tips below!

10 minute morning warmup

Waking up and immediately doing a 10 minute workout will help jumpstart your body into motion, start up your metabolism and get you in the right mindset for the day. This is especially helpful if you wait to workout until later in the day. This warmup doesn’t have to be excruciating. A 10 minute yoga routine that includes relaxing poses or quick bursts of exercises like mountain climbers, squats or front and back kicks will get your blood flowing and help release good endorphins that will help getting you through the first part of your day. Try this out for a week and compare a week without a 10 minute morning workout to one with it and see for yourself what the difference is.

Snack packs

Since it’s warmer, it will be easy to stop at a restaurant to grab a bite to eat, or meet up with friends and co-workers for an after work meal. Combat some of the unnecessary eating by packing healthy snacks for the day. Since it’s spring, fresh fruit will be easy to find. You can also pack veggies, nuts and any other snack that will help keep you satisfied throughout the day. Use snack sized baggies and containers to ensure you pack the right portions and don’t over eat.

Late night preparation

If you’re a late night workout person, whether that consists of running or hitting the gym; sometimes you need a little push to workout after a long day at work. Working out releases endorphins and helps you relax and feel good believe it or not. Help ingrain your after work workout by putting your workout clothes and shoes right by the door. You’ll see your gear right when you walk in the door. Your routine should be to walk in, see your gear, change clothes and get to working out. It should only take you about 10 minutes to change, and if you do this daily it will become second nature.

It’s all about finding ways to help keep you motivated and adding these simple things to your routine will help you out in the long run! How do you stay motivated during the spring and summer? Let us know below!

Images: 1, 2, 3

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