The temperature has dropped and the winds is brutal and by the end of a long day you look in the mirror an notice dry patches or dry skin period. Your face is the most exposed part of your body during fall and winter; and sometimes the most neglected when it comes to protecting.

Dry skin can aid in premature aging; specifically wrinkles. To avoid adding years to your skin these steps will ensure healthy, glowing skin all season long!


Because your skin is more susceptible to drying due to the cooler temperatures, it’s important to exfoliate those dead skin cells away. Use a gentle exfoliate, making sure to gently scrub away dead skin cells. *Remember, the harder you scrub the more damage you’re likely to cause by breaking the first layer of skin.


This is the most important thing to remember since the cold temperatures and dry naturally pull moisture from your body. A heavier cream or lotion would be highly recommended, since it’s thicker, heavier and tends to last longer than a light moisturizer. *Changing your moisturizer from season to season is a great beauty practice to add to your routine regimen.


I know, a steaming hot bath or shower looks pretty good after coming in from high brisk winds and rain. Hot baths and showers can actually dry your skin out more. Still enjoy a soothing bath, but watch the heat and make sure to add tones of moisturizing bubbles! *Remember hot water or steam opens your pores. To keep moisture in, your pores need to be closed.

Healthy Living

You’ve worked out all summer and now it’s too cold out to run or walk five miles. Light fresh food is replaced with heavy holiday meals and comfort food. What happens on the inside of your body directly reflects the outside. Don’t throw away a healthy lifestyle with excuses of cold weather and good food. Continue to exercise at home or join a gym. You can still eat those comfort foods, but have one serving; and eat an actual single serving size. Don’t pile up your plate, taste a little of everything and get seconds of the food you really enjoyed. *Tip: Using a smaller dinner plate or bowl give the impression of eating more food.

With these few tips, great skin throughout the fall and winter season is easy and doable! How do you take care of your skin during colder months? Chime in below, and as always on Facebook and Twitter!

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