Eighteen year old Tinashe has been around the entertainment industry for some time now. A former member of girl group The Stunners, who collaborated with The New Boyz and toured with Justin Bieber among other things, said she always knew she wanted to be a singer.

Tinashe’s career began at a young age as a baby model and then acting at age six. She moved to L.A. at eight years old acting for television and in movies; joining The Stunners at fourteen.

After mutually agreeing to go in separate directions recently, Tinashe went solo in April of this year. Check out her interview with Eva below!

Eva: On what she’s working on now.

Tinashe: I just released a single with OFM called Artificial People on iTunes now. I did a cover of How to Love by Lil Wayne, which is almost at a million views on YouTube. I’m putting out a lot more covers probably in the next couple of weeks and original music to be downloaded and purchased; just making music and art.

Eva: Do you write a lot of the music you’re working on right now?

Tinashe: I write mostly on all of it. I’ve been a songwriter for about ten years. I’ve written for myself and I’ve written for other people too. I get in the studio and I like to co-write things; make sure everything I come out with I think is cool or creative or something that evokes emotion out of me. So I like being apart of the artistic process, so it comes out real.

Eva: Where would you say you pulled a lot of your musical inspiration or influences from?

Tinashe: I think when I was a kid I definitely was influenced as an entertainer by Michael Jackson. I kind of grew up listening to that music when I was young; my parents played it in the house. My biggest vocal inspiration was Christina Aguilera, I discovered her around age six or seven and I just loved her music. I would sing it, and belt it, and do all of her rifts; she was an inspiration to me. And Britney Spears, I always wanted to be like them; they were a really big inspiration for me when I was young.

Eva: What would you say is your style or genre? What genre would you put yourself in?

Tinashe: I would say I’m a pop artist, but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s expected. I like to be a little unexpected, so it’s pop with a little bit of an embience [sic] I guess.

Eva: What do you want your listeners to get from your music? What do you want to leave for your listeners?

Tinashe: On my listeners, I definitely want them to be able to feel when they listen to music. I think a big part of art is the emotion that it evokes from you. Whether it’s just a song you want to get up and dance to or just vibe out to, I definitely think that it’s important that every time you create music that it makes you feel very strongly.

Eva: On the music industry as a whole?

Tinashe: In the entertainment industry as a whole, I definitely want to be a superstar. I want to dance, sing, write, perform, be artistic, be fashionable, a forward thinker; I want to have opinions. I’m definitely someone who doesn’t plan to leave a small mark on the entertainment industry; I want to be remembered, I want to make a difference.

Eva: Do you know the direction of your album?

Tinashe: I’m not 100 percent sure, because my genre is always evolving. Every time I’m putting out a new piece of work I think it’s more like an artistic journey and I don’t really know where it’s going to go next. I have a lot of exciting stuff coming out in the near future, so everybody has got to make sure they’re prepared for every twist and turn that’s coming.

Eva: What would be your definition of true inner glam.

Tinashe: True inner glam is the way that you can take your stuff and strut it in whatever way you possibly can. Whatever it is that’s you; your imperfections and perfections, strut your stuff and own it. Find that confidence and self-security within yourself; know that you’re beautiful and powerful and wonderful the way you are.

Eva: What is your personal style?

Tinashe: I like things to be form fitting; I have a curvy body so I don’t wear a lot of loose fitting clothes. I like to mix it up whether it’s with florals or leather, but I’m always wearing high heels. I like to wear mostly dresses that look classy, sexy and cool.

Eva: What about a guy’s style intrigues you?

Tinashe: I like a guy who’s fashion forward. I definitely see a lot of guys who are afraid to take risks with fashion, because I don’t know if they think it’s feminine. But I definitely think fashion forward men are attractive to women because it shows that they have a sense of pride in their appearance; and we like that because we can relate.

You can find Tinashe all around the web! Her official site is TinasheNow.com; she’s also on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr. Check out her single Artificial People available on iTunes and stay up to date on future material from Tinashe on inHerGLAM.com!

Photos: TinasheNow.com

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