As often as we may try, it’s hard to resist the crave for something chocolaty, sweet and fulfilling. These three sweet snacks will satisfy your craves without the added calories and are available at your local grocery store!

Edy’s Fat Free Slow Churned Vanilla Yogurt Blends

Who doesn’t’ love a little ice cream. Sometimes the fat free versions can have that awkward after taste. Edy’s fat free frozen yogurt packs 100 calories per serving without the fat free taste. Add an energy boost by sprinkling a little granola on top.

Pretzel M&M’s

Choosing a healthy candy option can be tuff, especially while standing in the checkout line. That blue package with the M&M’s logo will be a great quick treat without over 300 calories of junk. You get the best of both worlds, sweet and salty, all for just 150 calories per single serving pack.

Skinny Cow Heavenly Crisp Peanut Butter Bars

110 calories and full of sweet goodness, you won’t believe you’re eating an airy crisp full of peanut butter and chocolate.This super sweet treat also comes in milk chocolate!

Tried any of these snacks or have a favorite snack not mentioned? Let us know below and on the Facebook page!

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