When we first saw this trend we were a little skeptical. The fashion world really wants people to put themselves out there in mismatched clothing, convince the not so fashion savvy that this looks good and we’re supposed to like it? As with most trends, we came to the conclusion that color blocking can actually look good; if done in moderation. We put together outfits for 3 different approaches to this trend. Check them out below!

Minimalist Approach

If you’re not so keen on diving head first into this trend, then we recommend playing with two colors on top that compliment each other while keeping the bottom simple.

Blazer, Top, Jeans

Effortless Approach

If finding complimentary pieces is a task or you just don’t want to put so much work into creating an outfit, don’t fret, you can still rock this trend. You can easily find pieces that incorporate color blocking and your only task would be finding simple pieces to complete the outfit.

Top, Leggings, Espadrilles

All In Approach

If you think you have the trend mastered or just want to give it your best shot, then you’ll definitely want to go all in. Full out color blocking works best when you choose colors that still compliment each other even though they wouldn’t normally be worn all at once. Limit yourself to one neon color and we’re confident you’ll pull this off without a hitch!

Top, Shorts, Bag

No matter what approach you take toward this trend, remember it’s all about how you fell and what makes you look good! Have you tried the color blocking trend? Send your pics to wkndglam@inherglam.com and see your photo featured on the inHer GLAM Facebook page!

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