13 Reasons Why (Season 2)

13 Reasons Why seams to be one of the shows you either love or hate. Following all of the controversy of season 1 I’m excited to get into my thoughts on season 2, why we need this show and if we need a season 3. The reality is — these topics are serious and should be discussed with school aged kids. Don’t get me wrong, it’s up to the parents discretion on how to go about that but this is definitely a show that should be watched together.

Lets take back the conversation and use this as an opportunity to open up this type of dialogue with kids of all ages because sometimes you never know what they’re really going through. What were some of the moments of this show that you want to bring awareness to? Let me know through social media or commenting on the blog post.

For support or crisis resources: 13ReasonsWhy.info

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/currentlybinging
TWITTER: twitter.com/currentbinge
SHOW NOTES: inherglam.com/category/currently-binging