SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

Oh guys… it was an episode in which Emily and Victoria had to “come together” against Malcolm Black. Did they work together well? Is this game between the two finally over? Check out the recap below!

revenge abduction emily vancamp
We open in an undisclosed location with Emily and Victoria in a cage. Victoria is pissed and thinks Emily is behind it but they quickly find out Malcolm Black is their captor. Victoria tells him that they’ll pay him if that’s what he wants but he tells them that they need to send David a message before hitting Emily in the face.

Jack goes to tell David that Malcolm had been released while he was trying to pack to get out of the Hamptons. He also tells him that the flash drive is missing. He tells Jack to meet him at Grayson Manor so they can get Emily. Jack goes back to the precinct where he sees Ben and asks him to help him find Malcolm Black. Ben lets him know that he knows everything and Jack tells him that he can’t tell anyone. Ben tells him he doesn’t know what he’s going to do but he’s not putting his life on the line for people who have been lying to him. Jack tells him that Alvarez missing might be connected to Malcolm and pleads for his help.

David goes to Grayson Manor looking for Emily and notices the alarm is disarmed. He rushes through the house but doesn’t find her and receives a video message from Malcolm showing him that he has Emily and Victoria and wants his daughter by noon the next day or they’ll die.

David calls Jack who shows up with Ben and he tells them that Emily and Victoria were kidnapped by Malcolm. David wants to pull soundbites of Kate’s voice to try to fool Malcolm and asks if Jack has any messages from her on his phone. Meanwhile, Marguax sees a newspaper article of Daniel’s death and flashes to Victoria telling her the “truth” and wants Emily to be held accountable but Victoria doesn’t want to do anything. Marguax makes a call to someone to meet her that night.

revenge abduction gabriel mann
Emily is trying to figure out a way to escape but Victoria doesn’t want any part of it. Malcolm gets a call from David with “proof” that he has Kate. He has Jack play the soundbites and tells Malcolm where to meet him before hanging up.

Louise is at the health club when her mother appears and she thinks it’s another hallucination. When Nolan shows up and shakes hands with her she realizes she’s actually there. She tells them that she’s buying a house for the summer.

Ben wants to bring in the SWAT team but David is against it which causes a small argument. Jack breaks it up and they decide to look and see if Emily’s car showed up on any scanners. Louise’s mother pops up at her hotel room and she confronts her about drugging her. Her mother insists the drugs are necessary and tells her that she’s going to be the mother of a congressman and she’s not going to let her ruin it. She ensures she’ll listen to her by threatening to cut her off.

Jack and Ben find Emily’s car and Jack tells him about when he found out Emily’s true identity and tells him that she’s on the right side of the war. Ben notices the security footage and Jack runs off telling Ben to get it and to tell David there may be another way. Malcolm lets Emily and Victoria out of the cage and Victoria tells him that someone else knows where Kate is. She tells him about Jack and Emily tries to stop him. One of his guys gets ready to leave when Emily attacks him. Malcolm breaks it up and has them tied up while telling his guy that after he gets whatever information he can from Jack to kill him.

Jack tries to tell David they could put out an APB on Malcolm’s car and about the footage but David tells him that it’s too late. He tells him that this is his problem but Jack tells him he’s not going to give up. Victoria tells Emily she thought she was going to kill her and wish she had. Emily tells her this is all her fault and reveals that David had been plotting her death since he returned to the Hamptons.

Louise tells Nolan about her mother’s threats and he thinks she should be able to fight her mother. Louise tells him it’s not that easy and her mother has connections. She tells him that she doesn’t think she can make it on her own but Nolan tells her not to give up and they’ll figure it out.

Jack returns to his house to find Ben tied up and then he’s attacked by Malcolm’s errand guy. He and Jack fight it out before Jack is able to get him down. Meanwhile, David shows up at the meeting place and asks for his daughter. He brings out Victoria and tells him that he only brought one of them because he’s not stupid. Malcolm scans the “body” in David’s car with a thermometer and tells him that he knows Kate is dead and shoots David in the leg. David tells him to finish the job but Malcolm tells him that that’s too easy and he wants to see him suffer first.

revenge abduction emily vancamp
Ben and Jack handcuff the guy and Ben tells him that the guy thought he was Jack. He tells him that the security footage didn’t show anything. They turn the guy over and they see a wheel/star that Jack thinks is a clue from Emily. Ben finds coal on his feet and they come to the realization that they weren’t taken by car.

Malcolm takes them back to where Emily is and David asks him to let them go. He tells him that he plans to make him watch them die and sticks his knife in David’s wound before telling him that he’s going to do the work. Malcolm tells him that he’s waiting but David tells him to go to hell. Malcolm opens a furnace and tells him that he’s going to cut them up and burn them. He goes to kill Emily but Victoria stops him and screams that she’s the one who killed Kate. He chokes her and Ben and Jack show up.

It turns into a fight and Emily is able to get the knife Malcolm dropped and cut herself loose. She goes head to head with Malcolm. She tries to help David but gets knocked out by Malcolm. He grabs her and tries to throw her into the furnace while Victoria screams watching on. All of a sudden he gets shot in the back. He turns around and gets shot multiple times in the front by David and the force pushes him into the furnace.

Emily and Jack talk after and she tells him that Victoria’s distraction helped and her guilt may have finally caught up to her. She tells him that she knew he was helping and that it would be okay. He tells her that Alvarez body was found and she asks what they would tell the police. He tells him that he’s going to tell them the truth and that Ben helped.

Victoria goes to David and tells him that she knows he planned to kill her. She tells him that he deserves to be with Emily and that they need to go their separate ways and she needs to mourn her son before telling him goodbye.

Back at the health club, Louise and Nolan show up and tell her mother that they got married and she’s no longer in control of her money. They tell him that Nolan now has control of her money and he leaves to get them drinks. Louise’s mother tells her that she will get control back or she tell the truth about what the pills helped conceal, that she’s the one who killed her father.

David returns to Grayson Manor with Ben’s assistance because he didn’t want to stay overnight at the hospital. David leaves them alone to rest and Ben gets ready to leave but Emily stops him. She asks why he helping them and that she knows he knows. She apologizes and he tells her that he’s relieved that her avoiding him wasn’t him. He tells her that he understands about having to lie to people to protect them from having to work undercover. He suggests that beginning the next day they start over and she agrees.

Marguax helps attend to Victoria and Marguax tells her that her loyalties no longer lie with David. She tells her that she plans to make Emily pay for everything. Victoria tries to tell her that she should just let it go but Marguax says she can’t because she’s doing this for Daniel. Victoria tells her that Emily hasn’t left a trail so she shouldn’t make a move until she has irrefutable proof.

Some takeaways…

– Malcolm Black is dead and so is his storyline. That’s all I have to say about that.

– Can we freaking kill Marguax already?? This is the one character who should not have made it past two to three episodes, but she did and now we’re supposed to come along for the ride as she plots her revenge storyline. Sorry but I’d rather not. It’s just so frustrating because I’ve been a huge supporter of this show but this season has felt a bit desperate. The Marguax part of tonight irritated me so much so that I really don’t have much to say about Nolan and Louise… and y’all know how I feel about Louise.

Are you buying Marguax and her threats? Let me know what you thought of this episode in the comments!

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