SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

So I don’t think that I’m the harshest television “critic” but I watch a lot of tv… a lot and I’m just at the point with this particular show where I just want it to wrap it up. The mid-season finale was so strong and we came back to this. To me it was just okay. So many things I want to say but let’s get into the recap first.

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We start exactly where we left off. Victoria and David hear gunshots coming from Grayson manor and run over to find Daniel dead. Victoria doesn’t take it well at all (I totally felt Victoria’s pain). Emily tells David who Kate really is (Malcolm Black’s daughter) and he gets upset because she was supposed to stay out of it. While they’re waiting for the police Kate’s phone rings and it’s a message from her father. David tells Emily that she just pretty much killed them all. Jack tells them that they will make sure that Malcolm doesn’t find out she died.

Ben arrives at Grayson Manor and Emily is being interviewed by the cop and she gives a false story about Daniel showing up drunk. She tells her that she called Jack but he didn’t show up in time and Daniel broke through the door. She stumbles over her story and Ben notices and Jack steps in to help her. In reality they set up the scene and removed Kate’s body. Victoria is upset because they’re smearing Daniel’s name when he tried to save Emily.

Jack goes to check on Emily but she asks him if he’ll be okay with Kate. He tells her he’ll be fine but that maybe she should consider taking a break. Ben interrupts to tell her that they’re done questioning her and Jack leaves with him. Ben asks him if he saw anything and he tells her that he got there at the end. Ben tells him that he’s not 100% sold on Emily’s story and Jack tries to defend her, but he tells him that he’s seen Emily play other people including him but they’ll just have to see if it’s all really true.

Nolan calls to check on Emily and lets Jack know that he’s setup a trail to lead Malcolm to Florida. He tells him that one of Malcolm’s airplanes is being prepped and gets ready to leave but Louise is at the door upset about Daniel. He tells her she can stay there as he leaves. Meanwhile, Victoria is still pissed especially since David decides not to tell Charlotte what really happened with Daniel. She tells him that she’s not going to stay prisoner of his lies and he throws it back at her that he’s been a prisoner of hers for two decades and she slaps him. He takes her to Grayson Manor and tells Emily that she has to stay there with her while he cleans up her mess and gets rid of Kate’s body. Neither Emily nor Victoria is happy about this but David doesn’t care and stands his ground (finally showing he has a backbone) and tells them to play nice before leaving.

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Nolan and Jack go to Kate’s hotel room to get rid of any evidence of her still being there. Jack is consumed with flashbacks of their time romping together (convenient) and Nolan interrupts and brings him back to reality. They quickly clean up the room before the cleaning lady shows up. Marguax shows up distraught and tells Victoria that she doesn’t accept the story that she’s heard about Daniel. She tells her that she believes Emily is lying and that she lured him there and shot him. Victoria tells her that Daniel and Emily were pretty much each other’s undoing and that’s why there’s a possibility that what Emily said was true. Marguax tells her that she doesn’t care and she’s still going to talk to the police.

Emily goes to the precinct to answer more questions and Jack tells her that she’s going to blow it for everyone. He tells her to take the day off and grief but she refuses and tells him that her alibi will hold. On the way to dump the body, David gets pulled over by Sheriff Alvarez who wants him to open the trunk of the van because he thinks he’s sketchy. David tells him he has no merit and that he’s only doing this because he has a thing for Victoria. David opens the trunk and reveals that there wasn’t nothing in the back and the sheriff is left looking stupid and he tells him  to get his taillight fixed before leaving.

Louise shows up at Grayson Manor with a pie and pays her condolences. She lets her know that she’s staying with Nolan and she asks her to sit with her for a little bit. Louise returns to Nolan’s house and takes an envelope out of his briefcase while he’s distracted on the phone. Back at the precinct Ben is questioning Emily (while Jack watches on the other side of the mirror) and tells her that there was no alcohol in his system and that he’d just spoke to Marguax and she told him that he’d been happy about life and becoming a father. Of course Emily didn’t know and Ben probes about why he didn’t have any bruises. She tells him that she held back because she didn’t want to hurt him because she destroyed him by marrying him for the wrong reasons. She reveals some real emotions (probably some of the realest emotions from Emily of the series) and tells him about when he shot her on their wedding day. Ben seems to believe everything Emily tells him.

Everyone reconvenes at Grayson Manor as Nolan tracks Malcolm’s plane. Once they see that it’s heading to Miami David reveals that he tipped off one of Malcolm’s enemies that Malcolm might be in Miami. They’re interrupted by the doorbell and it’s Marguax so Emily answers it. Marguax tells her that the police aren’t naming Emily as a suspect in Daniel’s death and that their ruling it self defense. Marguax goes all crazy telling her that she’s messed with the wrong one and she will destroy her. She tells her that she’s not invited to Daniel’s funeral and Victoria agrees before she leaves the house. Emily tells Victoria that she knows Daniel would want her there and she tells her that they’ll never know now before she leaves as well.

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David stops by to check on Emily before heading to the funeral. She asks him what his plan was before everything blew up and he tells her that if things had gone according to plan they would be attending Victoria’s funeral. She asks him what he plans to do now but he tells her that he has to go before he’s late.

Sheriff Alvarez tells Ben that he’ll be promoted to detective and tells him about Jack taking personal days. Ben goes to check on him and asks if it’s about Kate. He tells him that she left town after the party and he’s just been having trouble sleeping. He tells him that she really did a number on him and he agrees before leaving.

We get the funeral and Emily shows up hiding behind the trees and we get a flashback sequence of her and Daniel from when they met, to when he proposed and an intimate moment. Everyone places their roses on the coffin before leaving. David gives Victoria some time and Louise tells her that she found the envelope. She asks her to destroy it. Nolan intercepts David to tell him about the blood bath that occurred in Miami. An “FBI agent” shows up asking Sheriff Alvarez about Kate and he tells him that she got called back. The “agent” asks if she had been working with anyone and he tells him about Jack right when he notices his car doesn’t have any tags. He asks what his name is again and the “agent” pulls out a knife and stabs him telling him his name is Malcolm Black.

Some takeaways…

– I knew they were going to do some sort of a setup but smearing the heroic way Daniel died by making him the bad guy was kind of f-d up. I originally thought they were going to make it look like Kate was killed in combat but she was still good, I don’t know. Either way it doesn’t matter because Malcolm Black still came to the Hamptons and Daniel is dead.

– Please get rid of Marguax like seriously. Are we really taking her threats seriously… She’s still pregnant right? I mean, she hasn’t really had to go toe to toe with Emily so of course she doesn’t know who she’s threatening but  I’m beyond over Marguax. I don’t know why she was kept around and made a main role. She should’ve died or disappeared a long time ago because now she’s just coming off as pathetic.

– Even after our little break I’m still going to say it… this has to be the final season. It just has to. As much as I want to support this show I don’t think I can do another season, I honestly don’t. The mid-season finale was so good and then we come back to this. Maybe my expectations are too high– that’s very possible. I don’t care about Marguax and her laughable threats, I don’t care about this Malcolm Black storyline and if we’re going to kill Victoria f-n kill her– stop playing with our emotions people.

That’s all I have to say about this episode. What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

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