SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

This was hands down the best episode of the entire series! I don’t think anyone saw the ending coming. Check out the action packed, mind blowing recap below!

arrow colton haynes stephen amell

Felicity and Diggle are watching over a comatose Roy when Diggle decides to grab dinner. He leaves and Felicity turns around to find Roy gone. She turns again and he’s standing in a corner shaking when Diggle returns. Roy goes crazy and flips tables before running off. Oliver and Sara return to the lair and they go out to search for him.

Thea is still mad at her mother and won’t let her hold her rally at the club. Moira tells her she can’t cancel because she signed a contract.

In the flashback we find out that Oliver got someone pregnant and told Moira who told him not to worry about it. She approaches the girl and pays her to leave town and tell Oliver that she had a miscarriage. She does just that and Oliver believes that she really lost the baby.

Felicity gets a report about someone in a red hood who attacked a group of men. By the time Oliver gets there he’s gone. Sin spots Roy outside of a club and tries to talk to him but he doesn’t say anything and pushes her out of the way. The guys outside of the club get involved despite her protests and he destroys them and knocks Sin down before walking off.

Moira decides to choose Thea and goes to Sebastian to tell him that she’s announcing she will drop out of the race. He probes her for a reason and she tells him. He tells her that he will change the city for good and she leaves.

Sin shows up at the club and tells Sara about Roy not knowing that she already knows about the Mirakuru. She tells her to go home and they continue to try to track him. Sin calls Sara and tells her that Roy is actually at the building where she lives. Oliver and Sara go there but see no signs of him. Roy jumps out of nowhere tossing Sara across the room knocking her out. Oliver tries to talk Roy down but he goes crazy stomping on his knee, breaking it.

He escapes and the police show up. They go to handcuff him and he brutally murders one and injures the other in the middle of the street, in front of an audience, before taking off.

Oliver goes to a doctor who tells him that his knee is kn very bad shape. He gives him some special medication as a thank you for saving the hospital’s shipment a while back. Oliver wants to get to Roy before the police since there’s a manhunt for him, but Sara thinks that nothing will save Roy because he’s too far gone and decides to shoot him in the head before the rally takes place.

Diggle is on Thea duty and tries to talk to her about her family but she doesn’t want to hear it. They overhear the news report about Roy and she goes to see Sin who tells her about him being injected with Mirakuru. Meanwhile, Roy is off somewhere and sees Thea in his head telling him that all of what’s happening to him is her fault and that she deserves to die.

Moira’s campaign manager goes to Oliver to tell him that his mother is dropping out of the race. He goes to her and tells her that she can’t drop out and that helping Thea would be showing her that she can do something good. She asks him about his leg and he tells her it was another motorcycle accident. She tells him that she knows he’s Arrow and she’s known since the undertaking. She tells him he doesn’t have to explain, but that she’s proud of him.

Moira goes to the rally and doesn’t announce that she’s dropping out, but that she will be a great leader for the city. Thea follows her with her own announcement hoping to draw Roy out. It works and Roy comes in blazing and Thea tries to talk him down but he grabs her by the throat choking her. Sara shows up with a gun pointed at his head telling him to put her down.

Sin jumps in and tells her not to kill him. Roy drops Thea and goes for Sara and she shoots him in the knee. Oliver shows up and shoots him with three arrows of venom sedating him and tells Thea and Sin to leave, he’ll take care of him. Sara tells Oliver that there’s too much darkness in her but there’s still good in him. She decides she can’t be with him because she’s too toxic and she leaves.

Oliver, Moira and Thea get in the car to head home and Thea confronts him about Roy. She tells them that they’re not helping her by keeping things from them. Moira is about to tell them both something about Malcolm when the car gets hit. Oliver wakes up to find himself tied in the middle of the woods. He sees that Moira and Thea are both tied and crying hysterically.

Slade tries to make Oliver choose between which one to save and Oliver pleads with him to kill him. Moira realizes that Slade had been on the island with Oliver and makes the choice for him. She tells Thea to look away and that she loves her while both Thea and Oliver protest. Slade tells her that she confident, more confident than Oliver while putting away his gun. He turns, then a a quick move pulls out a sword and stabs her through the chest killing her instantly.

He tells Oliver that Thea is the only one left and she’ll have to die before it’s all over. He leaves as Oliver passes out and Thea freaks out over her mother.

Some takeaways…

– I literally sat for 20 minutes straight in shock because I so did not see this coming. I knew someone was going to die, but never did I think it would be Moira– just when I was starting to really like her.

– We know that Oliver has a kid out there and I’m pretty sure we’re going to see him, if not this season next season. They wouldn’t tell us about him if they didn’t plan to use him. So I’ll be on the lookout for that to see how they incorporate that storyline into who Oliver is now.

– Sara is gone, for now and I’m pretty sure she’ll be back before the finale. I don’t think that they’ll kill anyone else important besides Slade since killing Moira pretty much sealed his fate. Other than that I’m still sticking to my original “who will die” predictions.

– There are three episodes left and the way we’ve been going I don’t think I’m prepared for them. I don’t even think I can make any new predictions. I’m pretty sure Roy is going to get better. Will he be cured? I’m still on the fence about that. If conditioned right, he’s a great addition to Team Arrow but if they take his strength away he kind of reverts back to just being Thea’s boyfriend… and that’s not that interesting. We shall see.

Were you upset to see Moira die? Are you still shocked about her death at this very moment? Let me know your thoughts and predictions below!

Be sure to join me every Wednesday on Twitter for the final three episodes of this season of #Arrow!

Images: Facebook/Arrow

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