SPOILER ALERT! (stop reading if you don’t want to know what happens in this episode)

revenge resurgence emily vancamp gabriel mann

It seems like everyone, and I mean everyone, has their own agenda for this “big” wedding. This episode was all about the Graysons’ public image with a little “revenginess” mixed in, of course. Conrad hires a PR guru, Bizzy Preston to help turn not just the Graysons’ image around, but Conrad’s image as a straong staple of the family.

Bizzy’s top to-do is to get Emily and Victoria to appear as if their the best of friends, but both ladies have other plans. Emily finds out that Bizzy and Nolan have bad history and Nolan sets out on a little revenge of his own. Meanwhile, Victoria tries to use Aiden as a pawn in her “ruin the marriage” scheme but having it look like he and Emily are back on good terms.

Charlotte, up to her own games as well, continues to try to push Sarah and Daniel together. Daniel asks Sarah to make the cake for his wedding and Emily hires her as if this entire situation isn’t messy enough.

At the Fourth of July party, Emily and Nolan tag team Bizzy, while Nolan uses these high tech glasses to get password information from her phone. Aiden, Emily and Daniel have a brief exchange where Daniel says he’s not jealous of Aiden being around Emily. Victoria overhears this and goes into her evil planning mode after finding out Charlotte’s plan to bring Daniel and Sarah back together.

Daniel follows Sarah outside as the fireworks are going off and they come really really close to sharing a kiss. After the party, Victoria kicks Aiden out of the guest house since she has no use for him anymore. Nolan puts his revenge plan into action and shuts Bizzy’s business down. He then blackmails her into confessing her affair to her husband or he would, oh and he now owns her (his words not mine).

Victoria pays Sarah a visit at her house and tells her that she believes she’s the one for Daniel while Nolan shows Emily footage that his glasses captured from the party… Daniel and Sarah almost kissing. Ish just got even realer!

Some takeaways…

– Margo and Jack are now an official thing; yeah I’m not a fan of this.

– Margo has agreed to publish a book for Conrad… yea this is about to get messy and I’m pretty sure it starts next week per the preview.

– Still not a fan of Charlotte this season. I don’t really understand her sudden dislike for Emily and I feel like she’s acting a little dilussionally.

– Did I mention that everyone has their own agenda for this waiting… yea Ems I’mma need you to come shut this ish down!

What’d you think of last night’s episode? Are you feeling this Sarah & Daniel thing? Are you over Victoria and her scheming ways? Chime in below!

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