In continuation of our Glam & Fit series, this week we’re focusing on meal planning. It’s easy to say write down everything you plan to cook for the week and stick to it, but sometimes it’s the actual sticking to it that gets us into sticky situations. Meal planning can be broken down in many ways, but since our readers tend to have a busy lifestyle we want to keep it simple.

Make a list of groceries a few days prior to the following week and go grocery shopping 1-2 days before while making sure to stick to that list. The items on your list should consist mostly of fresh, non-processed foods, frozen vegetables and canned foods. These things can be stretched and used for multiple meals throughout the week.

Stock up on canned beans and frozen vegetables like spinach, peas and corn to use as sides or in an entree. Once you make your list use it to create meals for that week. You can plan to cook a few dishes at once and freeze them to help save time throughout the week.

While planning meals, be sure to incorporate single vegetables into multiple dishes. Spinach is a very versatile veggie that can be cooked as a side, in pasta or atop meat. Knowing what can be used in various ways is key to keeping meals simple, quick and healthy.

Post your weekly meals somewhere visible like on the refrigerator, a dry erase or cork board. Later in the series we’ll give examples of meals incorporating ingredients with multiple uses. How do you plan meals for the week? Chime in below or send us a tweet using hashtag #GlamandFit!


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